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Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Devo

Howdy All,
I’d like to take some time out from travel blog to talk about something that really chews on my ass and it gets worse and worse with every passing year.
And that something is Halloween.
Or more accurately, what passes for Halloween in 2011…which, not coincidentally, just happens to be today.

Let me first start off my saying that, I love Halloween. I’m the biggest fan Halloween ever had. I love everything about it. I love the autumn colors, the brisk weather, the crispness in the air. I love horror movies and costumes…spooky organ music and the smell of a freshly cut pumpkin. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the “total package” in terms of holidays. In fact, the only thing I don’t like, is what’s happened to it.

I don’t want to sound like a grumpy old curmudgeon ( I am grumpy old curmudgeon, I just don’t want to sound like one) but when I was growing up Halloween was the kid equivalent of fucking a room full of strippers on a bed made of pancakes.  Think about it. You’re young, in costume, with your friends, no supervision and you get to basically terrorize the neighborhood in search of candy. It’s like being a pirate, minus the rotgut and scurvy. 

If Halloween fell on a weekday, which it always seemed to do, my friends and I went to school in our costumes and would start trick or treating the second the last school bell rang. We would hit every single house in a 5 mile radius and wouldn’t come home till well past dark. Lugging a 15 pound sack of candy and covered in eggs and shaving cream from encounters with other like-minded pre-teen maniacs caught in the throws of a Snickers induced sugar frenzy. It was glorious.

Sure the costumes weren’t as sophisticated as they are today. They were mostly homemade, but they did the job and more importantly, the showed what kind of kid you were.

If you dressed up as the Wolfman, a Bank Robber or Gene Simmons, everyone knew you were not someone to be taken lightly.

However, if you went out dressed as a Clown, Casper the Friendly Ghost or Paul Stanley, 


you might as well have just politely handed your bag of candy over to the first kid you crossed paths with and asked him if he’d like a drink to wash it down with. There was no way you were gonna make it home with your loot. But at least you knew better for next year.

Today, everybody is the same store-bought piece of shit costume they got last minute at Party City. You could walk into any costume party in any city in any state and see at least 4 people dressed as Batman, 2 Jake Sully’s from Avatar and 4 dozen whores dressed as Sexy Witch or Sexy Vampire or Sexy Magilla Gorilla.
It’s pathetic, it’s homogenized and what’s worse, it’s uncreative. And that my friends goes against one of the fundamental principals of Halloween.

But my biggest problem comes from the overall pussification of Halloween.
The truth of the matter is, kids today have no idea what it means to celebrate Halloween! None…zero…nada.
Today kids go trick or treating with parents in tow or worse, to places like malls or indoor amusement areas like Chuck E. Cheese. And they go from store to store or station to station to get a roll of Smarties. Where’s the sense of adventure? The rush you got from being independent? Trick or Treating at the mall? Are you fucking kidding me?? You ever try to throw a rotten egg at the girl who works the register at Banana Republic? You get arrested for that shit!

Most of the time, I don’t give a shit that kids don’t get to be kids anymore.
I don’t have any children and I don’t plan on having any so the fact that they have to wear helmets when riding a bicycle or that every kid on every Little League team gets a trophy because “everyone’s a winner”.  Most of the time, I say tough for your generation.
Hey, in a perfect world, I would have been born early enough to enjoy the first half of the 1960’s…and preferably died just before the 1970’s. But we don’t get to choose and you make the most of what you’ve got.  Unfortunately kids today are holding a loosing hand in terms of creativity and fun. The combination of hyper-protective precautions and faux PC sentiments have destroyed what remained Halloween’s architecture and left us with a cheap façade covered in foam pads and bubble wrap.
And as I mentioned at the start of this, every year it just gets worse and worse.
Don’t believe me…then take a look at this shit…

It seems that students at Ohio State University have taken a stand, admittedly a somewhat limp-wristed noodley stand, against costumes that they consider to be racially insensitive. To which I reply, “Fuckery!”
I’m not saying that a costume of a brown mustachioed muchacho riding a donkey while drinking from a Tequila bottle is not, in and of itself, an overtly “stereotypical” image…it is…what I’m saying is simply this..Get the fuck over it. Seriously. Get over it. 

Is it a sterotype? Yes.
Is it inaccurate ? Maybe.
Does any of that matter? No.

This isn’t a civil war reenactment . We’re not teaching a history class. It’s a fucking costume meant to be worn on Halloween. It’s not like anybody is going to buy this and wear it to Acapulco in hopes of blending in with the locals. It’s a joke…a fucking joke people! How is dressing up in a feathered headdress and calling myself an Indian any more or less offensive then somebody wearing a pointed hat and crooked nose and calling themselves a witch? It’s a cartoon. A caricature. A parody.
If someone thinks that half of the roughly 127,076,183 people living in Japan look like Geisha’s all the time, then your little campaign isn’t going to sway them.
Look, I will admit that certain images can be considered insensitive. I won’t deny that. Dressing up as the Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan will probably render you a well deserved ass kicking …but hey, you had to see that one coming. But I don’t believe in taking a stand against it or worse, banning the sales of KKK Kostumes  (see what I did there…with the extra K)...

Where is the line between acceptable and unacceptable?
When is it no longer a parody and it becomes an attack?
Should any of this really make a difference on Halloween?
Is it even worth getting upset over?
Do I ask too many questions?

And don’t give me that shit about “well times are different”.
I realize that.

But the fact is, times are ALWAYS different. Times are always changing, shifting and adjusting and it’s up to us as a civilized and theoretically intelligent society to keep up with those changes…not seek shelter from them.

Yes, you should be cautious. Yes you should be protective of your children. But you should also allow them to experience the world on their own terms even if that includes learning some of life’s harder lessons.

I’m not saying it’s ok for you to let your kids out into the street with a box of hand grenades, not unless you live in Roosevelt (In NY…Google it)..but maybe once a year, pry them away from their Xbox and let them go be a kid. Let them throw toilet paper through a tree…let them egg a car…let them steal the slow fat kids candy…he doesn’t need it anyway.
And for God’s sake, don’t let them dress up as Justin Bieber. Not even if you think it’s cute. Not even if it’s done as a joke. Bully’s don’t understand irony. All they know is a mopy haircut equals free candy.

Alright, enough bitching.
The road is calling and it’s not good to keep her waiting.
See ya on the flip flop.

 Oh, and one last thing…


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